12 October 2007

C.A.V.E.men meet!

Our group got together again today to talk about the direction we are going in. So far all our efforts have gone towards creating a more standard DVD/website interface. With today's meeting we all decided to move in a new direction and create a more metaphor based project.

Vinnie came up with the great idea to actually set the menu/site in the form of a stove. The idea is to have the heat dials as parts of the menu etc.

Looking around the net for a similar idea I found a website (www.ign.com) that reports on video game and movie news. When you choose a format, be it Playstation 2, Xbox 360, DVD or a myriad of other options it takes you to a subsection of the site. The interesting thing is that the top of the page they have designed it to resemble the format that it represents. Here are few screenshots to show what I mean.




The cool thing about this is that it instantly creates a theme that lets the user know exactly where they are.

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